Girlsmodele brought you and introduce you to Darine Hadchiti, a lebanesse singer, she's really pretty and gorgeous, if you like a mid eastern girls, i think you should love her.. she's really lovely, and now in girlsmodele we brought you the photo gallery of darine hadchitti enjoy this mid eastern models and singer Darine Hadchiti Lebanese Singer
Darine Hadchiti is a Lebanese Singer that started her debut in 2005. Within one year, she was able to attain a great level of success whether in the MENA region or on a worldwide basis and is famous for her first single "Eddam El Kel". She is know known as one of the most famous young arab singers in the world because of her exeptional voice, charisma & fabulous works being songs or videos.
Darine Hadchiti, born in Hadchit - Lebanon, began singing since she was 13. She won the 2001-2002 studio el fann bronze medal for her lovely voice. She began her singing career upon signing with the Lea Production Team, managed by Mr. George Anastasiades, owner of the Anastasia Group. Darine Hadchiti, after the launch of her second album "Irtahlak Albi", now participates in numerous concerts & festivals all over the world. She is currently shooting a couple of videos for her latest album & preparing for the release of her new album in 2007 which she promises is great.
That was the life & status of the increasingly popular artist Darine Hadchiti. She specializes in her fine choice of eccentric & fabulous songs whether pop, egyptian, ortiental, techno & "tarab" arabic music. Download the songs & videos from her offical website www.darinehadchiti.com & decide for yourself.
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