
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Basic Types For Make Up And Celebrity Make up

Celebrity Make up
They spend a immense budget on make up accessories & also go on & off beauty saloons to enhance their beauty. Here are some tips which can be very helpful for the enhancement of your beauty.

A woman is regarded as the beauty & charm of universe. Every woman has an inner desire to look more beautifull, nice, , different & young ever. For this purpose, females try to do every feasible work from skin care to make up techniques. Earlier, females were not a lot attentive regarding their looks. They used to stay simple & indulge in indoor activities but the females of today have learned how to make herself stand side by side with men. Now they is a lot conscious about her looks & maintenance for this purpose they tries to do all the things which make her more stunning & elegant.

Keep all of your make up matte & muted in summer season

Keep your skin tidy & neat with massaging which will make your skin healthy.

Apply light color lip gloss then dark & bright colors.

Apply light thing in hot weather.

Try Mascara colors other then black.

Wear dark eye liner which will show your eyes prominent & giant.

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