Well, well, well, The Expendables finally get somebody under30 into the fray, as Hunger Games star Liam Hemsworth (Younger Brother of MightyThor, Chris Hemsworth) has signed on today, according to a Variety exclusive.
The Expendables 2; This time Bruce & Arnie will be ‘Substantial’ characters...
The Expendables 2. some more, ‘official’ casting confirmations. Van Damme & Norris yes, Cage probably, Travolta?
Liam, perhaps still best known for his starring roleopposite Miley Cyrus in ‘the Last Song’, will almost certainly be a much biggerpresence in the movie world following next Spring's, highly anticipated, releaseof the first (they hope) of four Hunger Games movies.
Hemsworth joins Sylvester Stallone. Jason Statham, BruceWillis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, TerryCrews, Randy Couture, and recently confirmed 80s action stars Jean-Claude VanDamme and Chuck Norris.
As much as the films are about bringing together old schoolaction stars in a retro muscle-bound action, the inclusion of Statham & Liwas already a concession to slightly more ‘modern’ action trends. However neitherStatham nor Li are spring chickens either. So the inclusion of rising StarHemsworth is a significant development.
The potentially explosive 1 – 2 punch of The hunger Gamesand The Expendables will aid Liam in his battle with brother Chris Hemsworthfor world domination! (They actually get along very well). Whilst Chris wascatapulted onto the A-List with his well received performance as Thor, Liam gothimself the plum role of Gale in the planned four film adaptation of, monster bestselling,book series, ‘The Hunger Games’. Hemsworth has the long delayed Cabin in the Woods due for release aswell as a part in the remake of Red Dawn. However his real big time shot comesnext summer when he takes centre stage as one of The Avengers; in the culminationof stage one of Marvel Studios’ ambitious movieverse building plan. (The MCU).That will be followed only weeks later in another ambitious film, also intendedto be the first of many; Snow White & The Huntsman, where he takes thetitular role of The huntsman. It's a proud time to be Mum & Dad Hemsworth, that much is certain.
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Chris & Liam Hemsworth |
As for The Expendables 2, now that they have added a littleyouth, iis it too much to ask for a little female involvement? And I don't mean pretty love interests either. Michelle Teoh, Milla Jovovich,Gina Carano! You’re up!
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Gina Carano, |
The film opens next August.
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