
Sunday, September 18, 2011

[REC]3 Genesis trailer. The horror continues...

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Ah [REC]; easily one of the scariest films I’ve ever seenand the one truly great ‘found footage’ movie I’ve seen. I’ve recommended thefilm to many people and they always come back raving about it too. Genuinely suspenseful  actual surprises and some real horror. It reminded me of watching John Carpenter's The Thing for how much i was actually on the edge of my seat.

 It wasremade as the American movie Quarantine in 2008 and a sequel was released in 2009.[REC]2 was a disappointment, but to be honest that says more about how good thefirst film was than [REC]2 being poor. It’s fine by horror movie standards,just not as compelling or chilling as [REC]. The first two films wereco-written and co-directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, but whilst thepart 3 and 4 (The conclusion) are again co-scripted Paco Plaza has directed[REC]3 and Jaume Balagueró will direct part 4.

It all started so well eh?
Thanks to Shocktillyoudrop for the video...

[REC]3 Genesis...


[REC] trailer...

[REC]2 trailer...

Behind the scenes of [REC]3.. (Spanis)...

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