
Sunday, September 18, 2011


I hate myself for being the way i am

I am a pessimist
A freaking pessimist

I see the worst in someone first before anything else
I often imagine every possible worst case scenario that could happen
I try to avoid any means of making any contact with people from outside my comfort zone

I live in a freaking shell !!!

I panic when i have to something alone outside my bubble
I don't know why but i do and i hate it
Like now i have to find someone to interview regarding an assignment of mine and i'm having a hard time deciding how the hell am i gonna get through it

There are other stuffs with i'm not ready to talk about here cuz who knows who's reading these crappy unedited crap i type.

(Seriously is there anyone really reading this blog??)
(Or is Blogger just crapping about that statistic thingy thing)

I realize my blog isn't something to be proud of anymore after last Saturday's class
My new lecturer of this semester said that people who have blogs are not discipline in their writing because they don't have an editor to edit their work. Blogs are where people type about their emotions, their dates, their party, their dog, their cat and even their annoying little brother. Bloggers just type whatever they want and whenever they want without any restrains. It's all that lecturer's fault I'm feeling this way.

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